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About Us

Anna Phillips Designs

I wish I could tell you I have this amazing story, but that isn’t the case.  I love jewelry, accessories, fashion, and anything that has to do with decorating.  I have been making and collecting custom jewelry for several years for myself.  When I wasn’t making jewelry, I was probably out looking for a great “chippy” “rusty” piece of furniture or accessory with a great story that I could turn into a treasure.  One thing about me is that I like unique, one of a kind things.  This is why most of the creations at Anna Phillips Designs are one of a kind item. 

After being a kindergarten and first grade teacher for seven years, I decided to take a risk. Not only did I decide to leave my profession to take a risk on a passion, but I also decided to get my Masters. It has been a lot of work but every minute has been worth it. 

This passion really became a business with a push from my husband. He has definitely been my number one fan that continues to make me better.  His career in the Army takes us from place to place and provides me with an opportunity to constantly be meeting new people. Whether it is at a barn sale, jewelry party, or event, I have met fantastic people.   

Anna Phillips Designs would not be possible without a crazy supportive husband, bonus son, an amazing family, and wonderful friends. My parents hop right on board with any crazy idea and support every vision.  My amazing family and wonderful friends helped get Anna Phillips Designs started and where it is today.